Mr 265 Faces BBA Chop.
One of this year's Malawi representative to the Big Brother Africa Hotshots, Mr 265 was evicted from the BBA house after 42 days of 63.
Speaking with Ik the BBA host on eviction show, Mr 265 said he saw his chop coming, he never doubted the chances of leaving the house. Being evicted along side South African female housemate Samantha, Mr 265 found BBA a great platform for him as a radio & TV presenter.

Nevertheless, for most Malawians, Mr 265 was not their hope for BBA money as most of them doubted his tactics of making it to final day compared to the remaining female Malawian housemate Sipe.
With 21 days to go, Big brother has declared this week a no vote week as the housemates will now have to play their game a little more harder as Big Brother brings old housemates to the house to compete with the original housemates which is all a prank to the original house as the old ones will be refered to as 'fake' housemates who are just there to confuse the other housemates.